Alaska State and Federal Energy Efficiency Programs
The state of Alaska has many programs to promote energy efficiency and energy production. So if you live in Alaska take advantage of as many of these programs as possible it will help with your energy usage and bills as well as your tax bill in some cases.
Alaska Local Option Property Tax Exemption For Renewable Energy Systems
If you install any type of renewable energy system in your home that system will be property tax exempt. This includes Photovoltaic Solar Panels, Solar Hot Water, Biomass, Wind, Geothermal Electric and other generation methods. This is a great deal you get to improve your home lower your energy bill and not be taxed on the improvements to your home.
Alaska Golden Valley Electric Association Sustainable Natural Alternative Power SNAP Program
For photovoltaic, wind, geothermal, landfill gas, biomass, small hydroelectric, tidal energy, wave energy.
This program pays a flat $.30 per kWh for energy produced by any of the above means. This is really a great program.
Alaska Energy Efficiency Rate Reduction Program
This is a great program and pretty simple. You simply purchase a home that is rated with a 5 star or 5 star plus energy rating and the state will give you a .25% - .50% rate reduction on the first $200,000.00 of your home loan. After that amount you will get a blended rate. So this is really simple and a great way to lower your interest rate on a new home in Alaska.
Brown bear and salmon, a photo by Ken Bondy on Flickr.
Alabama State and Federal Energy Efficiency Tax Credits
If you live in the state of Alabama there are a number of options for you as far as Tax Credits for energy efficiency as well as grants and loans to make your home or business more energy efficient. The following are just a few of the different programs available in Alabama.
TVA Green Power Providers- This program is designed to be an incentive for customers to produce their own power through the use of solar, wind, or hydroelectric power sources. What the program does is pays you a $1000.00 payment up front when the project is installed. Then for 10 years after that the TVA will purchase any electricity you make at a premium rate of $.09 per kilowatt hour for photovoltaic and $.03 per kilowatt hour for any other source. So to me the best choice will be solar panels. Then for the next ten years TVA will purchase your power at the normal rate. I think this TVA Green Power Providers Program is a very good program if you are thinking of going solar anyway. The thousand dollars up front is a pretty good incentive
Contact Tennessee Valley Authority
Geothermal Heat Pump Loan Program- This program is through the TVA as well and it's a Loan Program to purchase a Geothermal Heat Pump with a cost up to $10,000 dollars. This loan term will be for 10 years and the interest rate will be 6 - 8% and repayment will be through the customers electricity bill. So on this one the question will be will the heat pump save you enough money to pay off the loan on the heat pump. It really depends on how much heating you do currently.
Contact Tennessee Valley Authority
Alabama Water Heater Rebate Program-This one is a simple rebate program. If you put in a new water heater that is Highly energy efficient you should get a 50 Dollar rebate. So you should apply for the rebate as soon as you buy and install your new high efficiency water heater.
Contact Tennessee Valley Authority 865-232-2101
Alabama vs. Arkansas, a photo by Diamondduste on Flickr.